Sunday, September 18, 2011

Lesson 22 - telling the time on the hour

Here is how you tell the time on the hour in Maori:

Te taima - The time

He aha te taima? - What is the time?
  • One o'clock - tahi karaka
  • Two o'clock - rua karaka
  • Three o'clock - toru karaka
  • Four o'clock - wha karaka
  • Five o'clock - rima karaka
  • Six o'clock - ono karaka
  • Seven o'clock - whitu karaka
  • Eight o'clock - waru karaka
  • Nine o'clock - iwa karaka
  • Ten o'clock - tekau karaka
  • Eleven o'clock - Tekau ma tahi karaka
  • Twelve o'clock - Tekau ma rua karaka

1 comment:

  1. Found this searching in google. Very helpful. Thanks! :)
